How to Grow your YouTube Channel 2022:

How to Grow your YouTube Channel 2022 SECRET STRATEGY

Ok, you read How to Grow your YouTube Channel in the title and clicked this video. That means you really want to grow on YouTube. So today, I won't talk about things that are not useful to you. Nor will I tell you any trick that isn't helpful to you. Instead, today, with the examples of many YouTube channels, I will tell you a simple way or a scheme after which your views will go up. 

Guaranteed! Even CarryMinati has used and still uses this technique. Hence, though it is also essential for prominent YouTubers, small YouTubers are the ones it is most important. No hovering around the topic; instead, getting more views is guaranteed. And that is today's topic: How to grow your YouTube channel fast. 

How I Grew my First Channel?

So now let's talk about Critik. Although I have worked on 4-5 channels already, Critic is my first or foremost channel, whatever you want to call it. And Critic is the first factor behind Algrow's growth too. But How? The initial 1k-2k subscribers on Algrow were from Critik only. Although it has even more subscribers now than Critic, the first reason for Algrow's growth was Critik only.

But then, what was the factor behind Critic's growth. And this is where my secret strategy comes into the picture. Getting Known by Using Entities Already Known But what exactly is it? In layman's language, it can be called eating up views from prominent YouTubers. But if even you think the same, you are ONLY half right.

It is much more than using known YouTubers to get more views. Using prominent YouTubers is just a tiny part of it. Suppose you have an art channel. How would you use this strategy there? It won't be easy, right. Then? See, be it an art channel, gaming channel, or a fact channel, this strategy will work on all the media and is 100% effective too. But it isn't helpful without full knowledge. So, let's talk about type 1 of this strategy. 

100k with Secret Strategy:

So, MangoBoi is a channel with over 100k subscribers. The 3 videos on the left side do not have any YouTubenamesname in them, while the right ones have names mentioned. The average views of the left 3 videos are around 1.43 lakhs or 143k.

While the average views of the videos on the right go up to 2.5 freaking lakhs or 248k an average. An increase of over 73%. And some videos even go above 3 lakh views. This one is even close to getting half a million views. So just mention some YouTuber's names in the video and get more ideas. Sounds easy, Algrow. NO!

It isn't as easy as it sounds. Using it without proper knowledge may even get your channel to go dead. But Why? Like always, I'll answer this in a few moments. For now, let's talk about another track, Prakhar ke Pravachan. Last year around August, PKP had around 15k subscribers only. In just a month, it actually doubled its growth.

It got from 15k to 30k in just a month. But how did he grow so much? Algrow it must be the same, using known YouTubers. Ok, but why does it happen? Does YouTube promote you more if you use a YouTuber's name or something else? 

Known Technique=More Views?

You go on YouTube and search, How to get more views on YouTube, and now you get 2 videos in the results. One is of Algrow, and the other is of some new channel you are unaware of other words; on one side, there is a video by a known channel; on the other, the video is of an unknown track. Now, which one are you most likely to click? Of course, mine; how dare you not watch my video. Jk :)

On a serious note, you are more likely to click on a video you already know about. A video/channel which already has an excellent history to it. A track you already believe in. And this is where comes the technique, Getting Known using Entities Already Known.

I analyzed Total Gaming on Critik a while ago & I got thousands of new people who didn't know me, BUT Because total gaming was in the thumbnail and title, they clicked the video asap. 

Real gaming in the title and thumbnail made this video known to them, which earlier wasn't the case. Similarly, this comment on this video amplifies the fact that people clicked the footage even though I was unknown to them, but the other person wasn't. Similarly, MangoBoi is getting lakhs of views. 

And whenever he mentions some YouTubers, the views go up even higher. Again, Known Technique. Right Algrow, MangoBoi gets more than 2x, 3x his average thoughts whenever he mentions some YouTubers. But why does he upload these other videos that don't get as many views? 

Known Technique=Double- Edged Sword:

Doesn't he want to grow Algrow? And this is where the cons of this technique come into the picture. The audience has a minimal perspective of YouTube. What they see is views and subscribers only.  

While from a creator's perspective, the most important thing is to be able to make a dedicated and core audience. Views and subscribers have their own importance, but in most cases, having a core audience is the topmost priority.  

And this technique sometimes hampers the making of a core audience  Because people get accustomed to you mentioning some other YouTubers. And when you don't do so, your views drop drastically.  MangoBoi has excellently tackled this. 
Even after getting more views in green videos, he never forgets to upload the red ones. Because the real audience is the one watching the red ones too. So Algrow, what can we do to avoid a dead audience? We also want a core audience, brother. How do we do it? 

Save your channel from getting dead:

This has 2 simple solutions, and solution 2 will be the central part of this video. But before that, let's talk about solution number 1. See, you don't want to get a core audience just because you mention some YouTubers or celebrities in your video. Hence, the most important thing here is to have a UNIQUE identity of yours. 

A PERSONALITY of yours. For eg, let's talk about Critik. New people click for the YouTubers mentioned but stay for the content. And after that, they don't even care what the thumbnail-title combination is; they simply click. And that is the power of the core audience.

Because I put my soul out there (not literally, lol), unique editing, my style of analysis, the way I speak, and many other things. And that is how I have made my core audience.  But Algrow, this technique isn't feasible for every genre, right. And just tell me, I have an art channel; how do I use this there? And leave it all; I simply don't WANT to mention someone. Now What?  

No Use of YouTubers:

So now, let's talk about Type 2 of this strategy. Type 2 of this strategy uses not known YouTubers but KNOWN TOPICS.  For, e.g., if you are a singer. With a lot of hard work and creativity, you compose your own song, sing it,t and publish it on YouTube. At the same time, you upload a simple cover song. A cover song of a song that is already famous and known. Now answer which one is going to get more views?  

Of Couse the song which is already famous. But Why? Because one, it is already trending, and people are already searching for it. And two, even if that song appears in people's feeds, it already has its market. By connecting to the music, you simply made the market of the song YOURS Though after a while, you are free to upload your original songs. Still, initially, these known topics should get you more views (in most cases), Although be sure to check out copyright issues in cover songs.

Few Examples:

Let's suppose you have a cooking channel. Now instead of uploading regular videos, seek out what's happening around you. College is about to start, then simply upload easily to make a recipe for college students. You could even have uploaded the best recipes for lockdown when it was imposed initially. 

Suppose you got to know the favorite food of Virat Kohli in some interview or stuff. And go check it out for yourself; the people to actually do so have millions of views right now (according to the video performance, too). The content will only be about food recipes. But instead of a standard video, just mold it and connect it to some famous entity.

You could now make a video titled Virat Kohli's Favorite Food Recipe. It's upon your creativity here how well you can connect your video to some famous entity. After this video of mine, people simply used Algrow in their title even when the videos were not about Algrow. And they thought this would boost their views. Why? 

Because they work on HALF-knowledge. YouTube has a policy against misleading titles and can even strike them if it wants to. But some people did great. Instead of making their regular videos, they changed it a little bit. They used what was trending in their niche then (Algrow in this case) and made this video. Instead of how to create thumbnails, one altered it to how to make thumbnails LIKE GROW. 

The content was always going to be similar (about making a thumbnail). They just molded their content according to YouTube. Similarly, most r channels do not have that good of a brand; hence, they simply use what's already trending in their thumbnail and title. They connect themselves with something known to become known themselves. 

TalkSick's Growth:

There is another YouTube channel, Talk Sick. If you were to watch his video, they are simple and generic roast videos only, nothing exotic. But still, it got over 2 lakh subscribers in a matter of weeks. 

But this did not happen with other roasters. Why? Because Talk SICK smartly chose what was trending at that time, that was PayalZone and made videos about her. He, along with hard work, did a brilliant job. 

CarryMinati Growth:

Even CarryMinati, India's most prominent YouTubers, has grown using this technique. Initially, he was unknown too. So he roasted things that were known, things that were in demand to be burned. Even his recent growth was courtesy of a known topic. If 10 people knew him before the controversy, now 20 people do. 

His growth has literally doubled after it. Why? Because of a known topic: YouTube vs. Tiktok. So trust me, you can get a lot of views by getting known using an entity already known when you are still unknown Ok Algrow, But what good is getting ideas on a single video? 

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