How To Get Free Website Traffic With These 4 SEO Tools KitoTips

How To Get Free Website Traffic With These 4 SEO Tools KitoTips

So everyone's after free website traffic just imagine getting some free website traffic with some free tools well that's what we're going to look at today I'm going to share with you the very tools I use and you can apply that with your business too. They're all simple to use and they're easy to apply to your website.

Why is it so Important to get website traffic:

but I suppose you might just be asking why is it so important to get website traffic well obviously website traffic produces leads, leads produce customers customers produce sales. So ultimately having your business being found on the search engines. You may have heard of SEO search engine optimization that's the reason why we're looking at these tools to help us to do that but to do it in an automated way that's going to save you time. 

If you've ever advertised for traffic you know it costs money and it's an ongoing monthly cost for your business free tools you get free traffic and you get it at a cost of nothing it's organically grown. 

So give these tools a try and see if they boost traffic for your business too and for those that read the end of the post I've got a real bonus if you want to know how to build a professional website.

Nitro Pack Free SEO Tool:

So the first tool I use is nitro pack and the reason I use nitro pack is it takes my website and just speeds it up for me so without me doing anything it caches the website then serves it and so my customers when they land on my website they get a much quicker loading website when they visit it.

why is that important?

Well google actually ranks your business based on your website and how fast it loads it's as simple as that. So you can use nitro pack. But speeding up your website is one of the most important tools you're going to need if you want to rank and get more traffic.

Ahref Link Building Free SEO Tool:

So second tool I use is for link building I use ahref. They provide a free monthly spider of your website it then finds all the links that you've gained. it tells you what their page rank is in effect their authority and also

it tells you the ones you've lost and this gives you an opportunity to go back to those ones you've lost and maybe do a redirect. it also gives you an opportunity to see who's linking to you what your competitors are linking to as well. 

It even suggests ways in which you can link through to other pages to gain more rank. So if you've not used this free tool that comes through to your email each month then I recommend it. 

Mailchimp Email Marketing Free SEO Tool:

Now the third area you're probably needing to look at is email marketing. Building up a list of potential clients. So how do you then market to them? How do you tell them about the offers? And things that might interest them in the future. Well it's by building up a marketing list. 

Now everyone knows if you just send out emails it will go and get caught up in the spam filters. But MailChimp is a great way in which you can do it for free the first 2000 clients that are listed for free as well costs you nothing at all and then you just pay extra if you need more than 2 000. Now I did a challenge to see whether MailChimp was better than aweber. whether it was better than get response or drip.

Headline Studio Free SEO Tools:

Now my fourth tool is a really interesting one because when I write a blog or a video I don't just want to use keywords which is probably what the focus is for most people. But I also want to make it so that it's got some intrigue or some interest or maybe there's a word that calls them to action so how do you get the combination of using the right keywords for seo and at the same time making it clickable to human beings.

Well, this is where this tool is fantastic. It's called headline studio. It's free and what it does is doesn't just give you a headline score by looking at word balance, word count, character count, the sentiment, the clarity, the skimmability, even readable, but it also looks at the seo score. it makes great suggestions and it looks to make sure you've got a balance within that headline and you can then see as you add different types of headlines.

It will give you different types of scores and once you find a score that reflects the information you're going to present in a blog or in an article, then this really helps get the clicks through to it too, if people click through to an article and they then start reading it. That helps you rank and if you start ranking that's

When the traffic comes flooding in, so this is the start really of that process really, you might have spent hours on a great article and yet no one clicks it because the headline itself on that article isn't really appealing to the human element, it's all about the keyword element, so this gives you a good balance between the two.