How can I control my phone with PC AnyDesk? 

How can I control my phone with PC AnyDesk?

Hey guys, welcome back to the KitoTips. I hope guys you all are well. So guys in this Blog I'm going to show you how to access and control your laptop and desktop devices using your mobile phone without any permission or how to access and control your android devices using your laptop or Desktop without any permission. Okay so guys by using this method you can connect any device globally. 

Access Your Mobile Device on Your Laptop:

Let's get started so guys this method I'm going to use a software called AnyDesk as well as you can use team viewer also. But remember if you are working with any organization where private network is established then you can use vnc or tight vnc remote software. okay vnc and type vnc is more secure than AnyDesk or TeamViewer. So guys let's Install the software on my both devices. 

So go to the google and search for AnyDesk okay and you have to go to the official website okay. Now open the software by double clicking on it. So after that here it will ask for the installation option simply install the software. So after installation, it will look like this just click on the get started option where is it.

So guys do the same on your mobile devices too. So open the play store first and then search for the AnyDesk software and then click on install option so after installation you have to open the AnyDesk. 

How can I control my phone with PC AnyDesk?

Now click on the privacy statement option button then check on don't show this again and then click on ok ok. So guys here is my accessibility setting you have to skip this one So guys here you can see the blue circle just click on it to remove those tutorials okay. 

Now it will asking here for the remote number so our laptop remote number is 710 710 724 and then seven double zero if I click on connect button it will here as you can see my computer will ask for the permission. So here is the trick we will apply that that will remove permission request okay. 

So, for now, I am going to dismiss this connection from. Now just go to this option general option right click click on it, and set for the password. There give the profile permission which is an attendant access or you can set full access also.

How can I control my phone with PC AnyDesk?

Now set the password with a combination of any character or number give any strong password. So after inputting the password click on apply button. Now go to the mobile and again connect the same now here as you can see it will ask him for the password let's type the password over here. I have inputted my password let's connect it by pressing ok button.

So guys as you can see the devices got connected. Now I will control my laptop using my mobile phone. First let's fully screen the view from here. I have to apply the auto rotate option from this setting. So guys as you can see my mobile screen got rotated. 

How can I control my phone with PC AnyDesk?

Now let's control the laptop using my mobile phone here I am minimizing the window to my mobile phone that's how you can connect and control your laptop desktop computer even mobile phone using your another mobile phone okay even you can run any software or play any game on your laptop just by using your mobile phone.

Also You can use this method to access your android device on Laptop or Desktop. Just Enter the Android Device Remote Address into your Laptop and you will access your android device on your Laptop or Desktop. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. If you want more content like this Please share our Website with your Friends Thank You.