What are the hidden features of Android Oppo Reno 8 pro KitoTips 

What are the hidden features of Android Oppo Reno 8 pro KitoTips

A few days ago we did a review of a phone of oppo (oppo Reno 8 pro 5G) very slick design and premium looking phone. And actually I was very impressed Impressed ! That's Why Used for Few Days. You will get many more magical hidden features on this phone. I am saying magical because if you use this feature then your mind is going to blow. And you will think what were those features just had fun.

Top 7 Hidden Features of Oppo Reno 8 Pro 5G

So, this Blog is all about the top 7 features of this phone You can also call these features as Kind of Hidden Features. Because a normal person cannot explore so many features in settings. . And we are smart, so we did So let's start the list with some banging twist Well there is no twist like films, used word for dialogue ! 

List of Hidden Feature of Android:

  • Smart Slid Bar
  • Flexible Window
  • Kids Space
  • System Cloner
  • High Performance Mode
  • Air Gesture
  • Battery Related Features

Hidden Feature No1: Smart Slid Bar

So, feature number 1 smart slide bar I'll show you, basically how it works you can see Floating tab on smartphone slide on screen, you will get to see the app what you had selected, And there are 2 features which you can customize Slide bar will work even while gaming, 

I will show you look carefully here is the floating tab  As soon as you slide, you will get to see a lot of features. can record , touch optimization, voice changer is inbuilt you can change everything, also you can edit & adjust brightness after that temperature & everything is available Means All the professional things you need for Gaming, everything is available here.

Hidden Feature of Android No2: Flexible Window

Regarding this second feature is flexible window. You will open the smart slider from here, After that you can use the apps from here which becomes quite handy. suppose you are using Play store And here you have to purchase an app. Then you will think how much will be in bank Okay ! now I need a calculator to calculate to the amount slide & tap on calculator, 

On clicking you will see a floating window where you can calculate anything according to your preference you can adjust it's size  after that you can place it wherever you want After that, if you are doing some search in Google, then you can also take notes. slide and you will get keep notes or you can use other notes also  open it & and here you can type anything here

Hidden Features of Android No3: Kids Space

Next is kids space then basically, if a kid use this phone  then with the help of this feature you can restrict some apps. So that the child who is there uses the phone properly Do not visit any wrong website or anything extra Because there are some visuals which are very disturbing. they can't take it.

Hidden Features of Android No4: System Cloner

If this happens to you too You do not want to give smartphone because a lot of things remain on the smartphone. So here's a feature oppo has built in, the name is system cloner If you enable it, your smartphone will be brand new. nothing will be there, a new interface will remain Your interface will remain, you will be able to switch it later.

Hidden Features of Android No5: High Performance Mode

Next feature is for gamers oppo named it high performance mode. You also won't get it on the specific gaming mode normally you'll get it on settings > battery > advanced setting  after that enable high performance.

The difference is a lot when it comes to gaming. you can feel the speed Yes, there will be battery drain, But gamers battery doesn't matter, we need performance -isn't it.

Hidden Feature of Android No6: Air Guesture:

Number Six an amazing feature Means really amazing features. With this feature you will be able to control your phone like this you will become a magician brother, seriously! I'll show you why I'm saying this now I'm opening YouTube. See what's going on ! can you see it. If you do your hand like this then this will scroll down And if you do the hand like this, 

it will scroll up and if you want to pause it then just push the hand  means in air  So its camera scans and reads the movement of your hand as a command  means you can do pause play like this  And it will only work on some specific apps like YouTube & official app of Facebook.

Hidden Features of Android No7:

Number seven is battery related feature. So that the battery of this phone remains sluggish and healthy. So if we regularly use any phone under 10% battery Day by day it's battery health decrease so, oppo added a amazing feature for battery that is turn off automatically. You can set what percentage of battery you want to keep, and in how many percent it should be turned off.

You can set from here if you setted 10 then when it's comes to 10  this will turned off automatically So that the health of the battery remains good with it this provide another thing  that is optimize night charging  so that the battery charges slowly, and the battery health remains good with it fast charging get stopped and charged normally.