Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

Hello Guys Welcome to KitoTips. If you are using Telegram, you must be aware of the amazing parts which help you to simplify several works and reduce dependency on the several bulky apps which you have installed in your phone. And today, again, I will show you a few interesting bots which will amaze you. So keep your phone ready to experience these bots. Which Telegram bot is best? I will tell you in this article Who is the best Telegram bot in 2022.

No1: URL Uploader

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

URL Uploader will help you to upload a file in telegram. And this will be very useful in a situation where you don't have enough space in your phone and you want to a file; you can simply upload the file on telegram and it when you want. Also, in a situation where you are facing an internet connectivity issue, this bot is very useful. Now how to use this bot? Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

How to Use URL Uploader Bot:

So first, open your telegram and search for URL Uploader and select the one with this icon. Once the bot is open, click on start,

and now you can paste any direct file URL links like Google drive, Mediafire, or any other to upload a file in Telegram. Here I am using this Google drive link for the demo purpose. Now I will go to the bot and paste the link here and click on send. Now you can see the bot is processing your request, and here you go, the file is now uploaded. Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

Now when you click on these three lines, you will find several other options as well, like upgrading your account, upgrading quota uses, enabling and disabling screenshots, and several other options related to file upload. 

In the free version, it will only allow you to upload a file which is less than or equal to 500 MB, but if you want to extend the uploading quota you can also buy its premium version. Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

No2: Text To Speech 

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

And the next bot in our list is Text to Speech, which helps you to convert text into voice. You just have to enter the text, and this bot will read it out for you. The best part is that it supports multiple languages and several voice tones as well. And to use this bot, first search for Text to Speech in Telegram and click on the bot which has this icon.

Now click on start, and it will ask you to select a language, which you want to use. And here for the demo, I will select English.

And now it will ask you to choose a preferred voice, where the upper 2 have a US tone and last to UK. Here I will go with the second option which is Julie (US), and that's all.

All settings are done now, I will copy and paste this text here and click on send. Now you can see the bot is converting it into voice. You can use it for any purpose, so definitely check this bot. Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

No3: File Converter

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

The next bot in our list is "File Converter" which helps you to convert a file into its different file format like, if you want to convert a PNG into JPG, or if you want to extract voice from and video this bot will work perfectly in all these situations. Now to use this bot first, search for "File Converter "and select the one which has this icon. Now click on start and the bot is now ready for use. 

Here you can directly upload a file from your camera or phone storage or forward a Telegram or WhatsApp message to get it converted into another format. Now first, I will click a picture from the attachment option and attach it. Now you can see it will give you details in which format the file currently has and also what other option we have to convert this photo.

Here, I will select PNG, and you can see file conversion in progress. Now we have the file in PNG format. Similarly, I will forward one message from a group to the File Converter and you can see

it identify the format and provide us the list of options in which we can convert this file. And now you can see I have the mp3 file from this video. 
Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

No4: Skeddy Telegram Bot

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

And the next bot in our list is "Skeddy". You might be using an app to send a notification to your notification bar, but this bot will help you to send the notification without using any app. And to use this bot, first search for "Skeddy" in Telegram and select this bot.

Now it will ask you to select the language, I will choose English here, and again it will ask for your city name to identify the time zone.

Now, this bot is ready to set the reminder. Type your message here which you want to set as a reminder, and update the timing for the demo. I will set it after one minute from the current time. Remember, if you don't update AM or PM after time, it will be considered as a 24 hours format.

Now you can see the reminder is updated and will wait for a few seconds for the notification, and here you can see we have the notification from "Skeddy". Now if you want to repeat this notification, you have the option here to set the intervals. Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022.

No5: Telegram Gifmsgbot 

Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2022

And the last bot in today's list is "Gifmsgbot" which helps you to search amazing GIFs on Telegram. And to use this bot, first search "Gifmsgbot" without any space between these words. And select the option which has this icon. Now click on start and the bot is ready for search.

Now you can start searching for gifs and for that first write "@Gifmsgbot" and keyword for the GIF, like I am looking for GIFs to subscribe to. So I will type here subscribe. Now you can see we have a massive list of GIFs related to the subscribe world.

A very simple bot but useful if you are active on several messenger apps. And that's all guys, those were the list of bots which you should have if you love to use Telegram.